Friday, February 11, 2011

The first week of school

The first week of school, not saying the first week in uni life, but the first week of my last semester, which means like i am counting down the days.

Having a long long winter break (someone counts that it got 55 days), i 've been traveled to Europe for 3 weeks, visited Rouen, Paris, Rome, Venice and finally stop in London. The trip is rewarding although i spent huge sum of money for the trip, and there were moments that we both were not happy with each other.

Same as I expected, I love Paris the most, although it got dirty and smelly Metro, muddy pathway and people can be rude if you do not speak french. All in all, this is paris, with all these attributes which not all tourists will be happy with. I love the blue sky, the romantic la tour effiel (at night), metro system (sometimes RER suck), the air, macaroon, relaxing pace! that's the way when you are breathing, and you feel good!

* I wished i have time to write blogs for my long long vacation! but it really needs time...

After such a long journey, still got a month to enjoy in Hong Kong!
lunar new year, job hunting, re-union. all these great memories! but i sometimes feel bored and like a "useless" person,always staying in home LOL

I got a few lessons on everyday for my timetable in this semester.
Just for the first week, I can deeply feel the tension - add/drop which courses? the components of the course grade? whether you can find good group mates? all these make me feel hectic and stressful! and feel sad about the reasons for studying - is it for grade or interest. sadly we shifted our origin for good grades but not what we can learn.

Living in hall makes me lazy. all days surfing the net.
need to add oil for my job hunting! writing blogs! (for travel and films...i watched a few films and didnt write for the review!)


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