Sunday, February 27, 2011

Black Swan (2010)

睇左好多套但都無寫, 但琴晚睇完BLACK SWAN就一定要寫!

入去睇之前已經大約知道故仔內容係D咩, 但當然入到去睇時亦有被部份情節嚇親, 好似係無神神係浴缸滴血、前台柱突然用刀令自己毀容等。

好多人都話套戲色情, 恐怖, 或者睇完會憂鬱, 覺得主角太神經錯亂等;
但這一切一切都係我既接受範圍之內, 亦唔覺得這套戲係渲染色情或暴力。

整套戲都好symbolic, 驚嚇既畫面, 色情既情節等都係導演刻意加插去表達故事及劇情。
起初既nina受住媽媽管教, 純情乖乖女一名, 名乎其實的white swan。
一路受住媽媽既控制及管教, 加上自己亦想成為the swan queen, 已經開始變得神經質及思覺失調。
如出現幻覺, 鏡中見到無限個自己, 嘔吐等, 都係想將自己push去做一隻black swan。

就係因為選角前舞團監製同nina kiss時竟然俾佢反咬咀唇一啖, 令監製覺得佢既舉動係可以seduce佢, 而揀選佢成為swan queen (play both white and black swan)。
而係及後既練習, lily同監製都不斷希望同迫佢搵出自己既陰暗面, 鼓勵佢touch yourself或帶佢去酒吧放蹤; nina亦愈黎愈唔鐘意俾媽媽控制既生活, 但亦見到佢既精神狀況愈黎愈嚴重, 到最後殺死左自己。

好切實地反映出藝術家都係有"Be perfect"既精神, 希望自己投入落唔同角色而努力幻想, 找出自己人性既其他面。但若抽離唔到又或壓力太大, 就會落入此下場。
其實由頭到尾nina都係nina, 如何扭曲人性都只是因為ending的一句"It's Perfect. I felt it."
在整個過程中真實地感受到evil, seduce, 而跳活了black swan。

Friday, February 11, 2011

The first week of school

The first week of school, not saying the first week in uni life, but the first week of my last semester, which means like i am counting down the days.

Having a long long winter break (someone counts that it got 55 days), i 've been traveled to Europe for 3 weeks, visited Rouen, Paris, Rome, Venice and finally stop in London. The trip is rewarding although i spent huge sum of money for the trip, and there were moments that we both were not happy with each other.

Same as I expected, I love Paris the most, although it got dirty and smelly Metro, muddy pathway and people can be rude if you do not speak french. All in all, this is paris, with all these attributes which not all tourists will be happy with. I love the blue sky, the romantic la tour effiel (at night), metro system (sometimes RER suck), the air, macaroon, relaxing pace! that's the way when you are breathing, and you feel good!

* I wished i have time to write blogs for my long long vacation! but it really needs time...

After such a long journey, still got a month to enjoy in Hong Kong!
lunar new year, job hunting, re-union. all these great memories! but i sometimes feel bored and like a "useless" person,always staying in home LOL

I got a few lessons on everyday for my timetable in this semester.
Just for the first week, I can deeply feel the tension - add/drop which courses? the components of the course grade? whether you can find good group mates? all these make me feel hectic and stressful! and feel sad about the reasons for studying - is it for grade or interest. sadly we shifted our origin for good grades but not what we can learn.

Living in hall makes me lazy. all days surfing the net.
need to add oil for my job hunting! writing blogs! (for travel and films...i watched a few films and didnt write for the review!)